The ACRP Transformation of the Clinical Research Enterprise: 2024 Survey
Thank you for your interest in participating in ACRP’s Transformation of the Clinical Research Enterprise: 2024 Survey. This nationwide survey strives to bring YOUR voice to the discussion about how clinical trials are conducted and to capture YOUR perceptions on the state of clinical research—today and tomorrow. Your contribution to the quality, safety, and efficiency of clinical research matters and input from the frontline workforce on how clinical trials can be improved needs to be considered. This survey will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are anonymous and the data will be used as part of ACRP marketing efforts to communicate our members’ perspectives through whitepapers and other published materials, including online marketing and social media. We appreciate your support of ACRP as it strives to provide clinical research professionals a voice to help shape the future of the clinical research enterprise. Please select “continue” to proceed.